A review of the strain Dead Presidentz by Gramercy.
Genetics: Dead Prez OG
Pckg: 02/01/22
THC: 35.718% CBD: 0.00%
Came across this strain while looking around for something different, was given a good recommendation so decided to give it a try since it’s Gramercy.
The taste on inhale was a vibrant subtle spicy gassy kick with undertones of slight sweet funk and candy gassy goodness. Good pressure, nice clean and smooth smoke .
The exhale was more just a continuation of the inhale but the sequence went from subtle sweet to almost a very distant sour gassy but then comes right back to the the fuely funk it had from the inhale.
The head high was moderate to strong depending on amount consumed and consumers tolerance levels; heavy eyes and onset head change accompanied by slight numbness to the cerebral cortex. Good euphoria with nice moderate Stoney vibes, some focus with very little haze and no couch . Anti stress, calming and relaxing mental state properties present.
The body high was low but long lasting, just an aid to the cerebral effects more than anything. Anti anxiety, anti inflammatory and calming/tranquil physiological properties.
Taste: 9.25+ High: 9.25+
Overall: A1
This was a pleasant surprise considering I wasn’t expecting to pick this strain up. Could definitely be dialed in a bit more both on the taste and on the overall high to get that A1+, that being said, this was a great pickup for someone wanting something different from the norm, if you see a fresh batch of it I would recommend for sure.